Green, healthy and super delicious the spinach salad with crunchy cashews and fruity pomegranate seeds is not only quick to prepare, but also convinces...
In the Advent season, delicious cookies should not be missing. But aren’t the Christmas delicacies a red rag for every nutrition-conscious athlete?No because protein-rich...
Kettlebells are one of the most versatile gym equipment there is and they are great for weight loss. Most exercises that use kettlebells challenge several...
Low Calorie Vitamin Shake Eliminate fruit from everyday enjoyment because of the high fructose content? No way blackberries are low-calorie berries and can be incorporated...
The pushup is the most legendary exercise of all time. This super-effective deadweight exercise is pumped out by everyone from school sports kids to...
Did you know that in ancient times, athletes, fighters and gladiators used dumbbells to strengthen their bodies? dumbbell were even a part of Olympic events. Today,...